What are Accuracy Checks | Types | Steps

 Professional writing demands accuracy checks while describing technical language in a manner that is easy to understand. Technical writing becomes challenging when the target audience includes public with little technical knowledge. The writing has to break down into simpler language, simplifying the technical jargon, formulas, and scientific meanings. Accuracy checks besides checking for grammatical errors, punctuation, spelling, and syntax refer to checking the facts and confirming the information and data that are used in the article.

There is no definite rule to follow for accuracy checks in proofreading. We usually see this part in the proofreading stage of the publication process. It also demands a good knowledge of the writing style guide of the Publishing House, the Chicago Manual of Style, and the Associated Press of Stylebook to check for consistency.

There are a few points to remember before taking up writing that involves using mathematical derivations and formulas, scientific theories and names, and technical knowledge.

  • Limitation on the length of the article- Choosing a topic to write on, it is not possible to cover all aspects. The word length of the article ends up as a challenge leaving us to decide which points of the topic are more important to be included in the writing.
  • Targeted Audience- It is always suggested to cover a wider section of people from different departments to read your article. Your book may end up as a handbook for many for easy understanding of the topic.
  • Market: Professional writers ensure that they make a connection with the world through their writing and bring relevance to technology and science.

What are the types of Accuracy that we are looking for in writing?

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Types of accuracy checks

Three main characteristics of accuracy are listed below:

  1. Stylistic Accuracy- This section covers the linguistic work. It concerns the correct usage of appropriate words in the sentences and the structuring of paragraphs and sentences that conveys the idea and intent of the writer. It requires careful examination of maintaining consistency in the writing. An accuracy check is needed in editing, drafting, and proofreading.
  2. Document Accuracy- it determines whether all the important topics have been covered in the writing appropriately with the right amount of detail. Document accuracy revolves around checking for complex factual statements and critical questions that can be either simplified or avoided for disagreements from the readers.
  3. Technical Accuracy- this calls for a sound knowledge of the subject and technical jargon to break it to the audience. Professionals with good technical backgrounds and excellent command of the subject make the job easier. This skill helps to analyze the data, shape it and present it to the readers with minimum distortion of the concept. It concerns the development of the subject.

Important Points to remember

In professional writing, maintaining accuracy produces best results. There are a few steps for accuracy checks that produce excellent results.

  • Facts to be double-checked- Proofreading demands double checks for statistics, data, dates, names, and specifications from authentic sources that cannot be questioned.
  • Not to blindly rely on online Apps- There are many tools which are available online to check spelling and grammar. Although using apps is suggested to save time, however, avoid relying blindly on software tools for precision .  Running spell-checks might not always give the desired results and present you with inappropriate word alternates in the context.

We must encourage manual checks while checking for names, page numbers, places, dates, and organization with correct punctuation.

  • Consistency- Professional writing with a particular style guide throughout looks good. A great piece of article is known for maintaining consistency in the writing that gives it a professional touch.
  • Feedback- Get someone who has an excellent command of the language and grammar to read your writing and get their review. It proves to be effective in your work.

Accuracy check is essential in publication, without which a piece of writing may lose its credibility. A beautifully written article with accurate data, information, language, and zero errors  carry validation and capable of attracting larger audience than that by a poor writing. You can try your career on accuracy checking!

FAQs on Accuracy Check

  1.       Why is accuracy check important in publication?
  •  Accuracy check is a process of reviewing data, information, or document to cross-examine the facts and figures, spot errors and produce accurate content. This task is important because, it brings a higher level of precision, credibility, and quality to the content.
  1.       What are the common mistakes that accuracy checks can spot?
  • Common mistakes are-

        Data entry error

        Spelling mistakes

        Incorrect calculations

        Formatting errors


        Cross-examination of the facts and figures


  1.       What are the common tools that I can use to check accuracy?
  • Some common tools to check accuracy are:



        Microsoft Excel



  1.       What are the advantages of checking accuracy?

  • The advantages are-

        Correct data and information

        Reliable source

        Valid and credible facts

        Maintain the integrity of the research work

        100% error-free content


  1.       How do I start for an accuracy check?
  • Accuracy check requires-

         A thorough review of the document

        Correct use of tools to spot an error

        Take help from reliable sources

        Cross-examination of figures, tables, etc. in the content


  1.       How do I improve my accuracy in writing process?
  •  The most basic steps to improve your accuracy check in writing are:


        Make a list of important points

        Use of tools to check for errors

        Change the format

        Use a checklist and cover it

        Have a second set of eyes to review your work


  1.       How much does someone in this domain earn on average?

  •  On average, anyone in this line of work can earn between Rs.200 and Rs.1000 on an hourly basis. It depends largely on the experience, skill, and industry of the individual.
  1.       How do you excel in accuracy checking?

  • To excel in accuracy checking, one must have:

        Strong  attention to detail

        Excellent grammar and spelling skills

        Ability to work independently and without distraction

        Time management

        Hands-on experience with tools like Grammarly, Microsoft excel, etc


  1.       Can I work from home or remotely in this domain?

  • One can choose to work both remotely as well as from home  in freelancing.
  1.   What is the purpose of accuracy?

  •  To retain the intellectual integrity of the writing is the main aspect of accuracy checking.

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