Video Editing

Video Production and Editing Video Editing for YouTube Channel
0 bids
Per Video Price
1 month ago

Need a video editor for our YouTube channel. Experience with video editing software and YouTube SEO is required.

Video Editing
Screen based Videos
₹1,000.00 / ₹2,000.00
Video Production and Editing Video Editor for YouTube Channel
5 bids
Per Video Price
1 month ago

Our YouTube channel is looking for a talented video editor to create engaging content. Responsibilities include editing raw footage, adding effects, and en...

Video Editing
Subtitling and Captions
Short Video Ads
₹1,000.00 / ₹3,000.00
Video Production and Editing Video Editing for YouTube Channel
3 bids
Per Video Price
1 month ago

Need a video editor for our YouTube channel. Experience with video editing software and YouTube SEO is required.

Video Editing
Screen based Videos
₹500.00 / ₹1,000.00
Video Production and Editing Mastering the Art of Seamless Video Transitions
1 bids
Per Video Price
2 months ago

This project aims to develop a comprehensive guide for mastering video transitions to ensure seamless cuts and enhanced storytelling. The focus will be on ...

Video Editing
₹0.00 / ₹0.00